GIT smart

Ben Hoskin’s dit-files are a gem:

* gbrt shows you a view of branches and whether they have made it into the current branch.

* grh is git reset hard

* gl is git log

* gls is git log –short

* gco is git check out

* gm is git merge

* ga .    is git add –all

* gc is git commit

* gp is git push

* gp :branch-name deletes a remote branch


* git log ..[branch-name]

Will show log messages in [branch-name] that are not in HEAD (the current commit)


* Merge and Rebase: “its all about what you want your history to look like”. That’s it.


* git status –short

An easily readable summary of file changes, additions, and deletions.


* git add –update

Stage all changes in all tracked files. All modifications in all known files will be included in the next commit.


* git log –patch [file name]

Shows recent commits which changed the file


* git log –S’[search text]’

will search though entire log and return commits which included this text in a file.


*git lol –simplify-by-decoration

will show you a log for all the tags and branches and their most recent commit

