Bash it up


-r: recursive
-v verbose

rm: remove

rm [file1 file2]
rm –R will recursively delete a folder. Notice cap R, which is a naughty deviation from the usual –r flag

CP: copy

cp [source][/source] [destination]


mv [source language=”destination”][/source]


shows a tree representation of a [target]

MKDIR: MAke directory

mkdir [name]

MKDIR: MAke directory

mkdir [name]
mkdir –p [multiple levels deep defined] will create a full directory structure in one go


gzip only does compression, not packing of multiple files and folders into an archive.

tar –czvf [name of compressed file] [target dir]
-c: create|
-z: zip (uses gzip)
-v: verbose
f: name of compressed file follows

tar –xvf [name of compressed file]
-x: extract



You can set permissions for the User, Group and Others
Permissions are either:
r: read names of files in dirs [4]
w: write [2]
x: execute [1]

The drwx—— weirdness above is actually:

[d/-] directory or file
rwx for current user
rwx for current group
rwx for others

CHMOD: change permissions on file system object

chmod [-R] u+w [file]
add w to user on the [file]
-R would do it recusively for all files in dir

chmod g-rw [file]
remove read and write permissions on the file for the current user group

chmod u=rwx,go=r     (notice no spaces)
give the current user rwx and the group and others r only

CHOWN: change owner

root user only
chown [new owner] [file]

CHgrp: change group

current owner only
chgrp [-R] [groupname] [file]
now  file permissions will effect everyone in the [groupname] group