Disable Git automerge of specific file types

Sick of spending hours merging divergent forks?
Tired of tracking down random reference duplicates in your project files?
Annoyed with randomly fucked XML in project files?
Suicidal because you thought DLL HELL was a thing of the past, only to find that it’s now called Nuget and the registry is now a .package file/files?

Well, this tip is for you!

1. Add a .gitattributes file alongside your .gitignore file in your repo.
2. Put his in it:

*.csproj -merge
*.sln -merge
packages.config -merge

Now, git will NEVER try to auto merge project, solution and package files.


How to root my Samsung note 2

It’s a GT-N7105 – the LTE version.


* Get Samsung USB Drivers: http://developer.samsung.com/android/tools-sdks/Samsung-Andorid-USB-Driver-for-Windows
* Put all the ROMs and zips you care about on your sdcard in a ROMs folder or something


  1. Follow the Cyanogen mod instructions to get the recovery rom in place:
    http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/T0lte_Info and http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Install_CM_for_t0lte
  2. Flash the latest recovery-clockwork-touch-x.x.x.x-t0lte.img from here: https://www.clockworkmod.com/rommanager

You now have the latest ClockworkMod, so you can use that to install whatever you bloody well want.

3. Backup the EFS using ClockWorkMod or whatever else.


I used GSII repair: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.helroz.GSII_Repair

4. Reinstall phone drivers
Heimdall would have rooted your Samsung USB drivers, so use USBDeview to remove any previously installed driver relevant to the phone.
Plug her back in and install the USB drivers

Hosting WebApi On OwinHost.exe (Sans IIS)


[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(OwinWebOnOwinHost.Startup))]
namespace OwinWebOnOwinHost {
	public class Startup {
		public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) {
			var config = new MyHttpConfiguration();
	public class MyHttpConfiguration : HttpConfiguration {
		public MyHttpConfiguration() {
		private void ConfigureRoutes() {
					name: "DefaultApi",
					routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
					defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
			Routes.MapHttpRoute("default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
		private void ConfigureJsonSerialization() {
			var jsonSettings = Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings;
			jsonSettings.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
			jsonSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();


1. Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin||
2. OwinHost (for the OwinHost.exe)

Run the executable, using the –d option to specify the root of web directory:
owinhost -d “c:UsersQerimDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsOwinSelfHostOwinWebOnOwinHost”

At the time of writing, it is possible to host WebAPI and SignalR with standalone Owin, but not MVC. For that, we need to pull in Microsoft.AspNet.Host.SystemWeb which basically enables the Owin pipeline in IIS. In that picture, IIS is the server and the host, but we get to plug middleware into the owin pipeline which is how Identity has been implemented.

Dual boot Win8 and Linux on Sony Vaio Pro

Let me start by saying that this was nothing short of epic. I am a total Linux newbie, so things were probably harder than they should have been. Anyhow, I am happy to report that it is possible, if a little tedious and fiddly.

There are a few resources out there already, I don’t claim any first dibs here. The onet that helped me the most was here: [http://www.slideshare.net/Tinydile/vaio-pro13-win8ubuntu1310uefi]. This blog post is my personal journey… so that I will know what to do next time.

Step 1: Bios settings
You have to turn secure boot off, and preferably leave UEFI on.
Step 2: Live CD
Boot the Live CD of your choice (I got Ubuntu working, but tried mint and Elementary to no avail). In order to boot with UEFI on, the flavour you opt for needs to have a signed EFI or something. They did that in Ubuntu so it works. It’s not strictly required though as I learned later, but it does make things somewhat easier.

Select to test the OS, and manually launch the installer and pass a parameter to avoid installing a boot loader. Ubiquity has a –no-bootloader flag. We don’t need a bootloader to start with, we’re going to use rEFInd.

Step 3:
Once the install is complete, remain in the OS to “keep testing”. Now, the fun begins.

* The Vaio has a bunch of preinstalled partitions. /dev/sda3 is where the EFI bootloader is. What we need to do is add the required EFI bits to that partition so that the bootloader is aware of and can boot into Linux.

1 – mount the partition you installed to:
mount /dev/sda8 /mnt
sda8 in my case, you’ll need to check what yours is using gdisk:
apt-get install gdisk
gdisk -l /de/sda

2 – mount the boot partition:
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot/efi

3 – Now you need to do some random shit that I don’t understand:
for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys; do mount -B ${i} /mnt${i}; done
modprobe efivars
cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc

this is the magical bit:
chroot /mnt

What that does is make the actions following relevant only to only that mounted path, ie: the newly installed Linux. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot]. If you don’t you’ll be doing everything to the temp livecd bootloader which is all going to get trashed… Then you’ll boot up and nothing you did will be there and many WTFs will follow… followed by a solid headslap.

4 – now install efi enabled grub:
api-get install grub-efi

fiddle with grub a little:
nano /etc/default/grub

and change:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAUL=”quiet splash libata.force=noncq”

update grub:

5 – Second stage of magic is to install rEFInd [http://www.rodsbooks.com/refind/] which you can do by downloading the binary RPM: http://sourceforge.net/projects/refind/files/0.7.7/refind-0.7.7-1.x86_64.rpm/download

refind will do all kinds of things to make itself the default bootloadaer and whatnot. There are a few points to note here:

a – you will find a refind directory in /boot/efi/EFI
this is where refind lives and needs to be configured
b – refind config is actually not complicated, don’t let all the moving parts confuse you. You’ll find a refind.conf file in the refind dir in which there are 2 main points of interest:
i) you need to uncomment the line that tells refind to scan for linux efis: scan_all_linux_kernels

ii) there are a bunch of entries at the bottom of the file which demonstrate how you can manually add any OS entry to the list of avilable options when you boot. This is how we will boot windows.

c – the next config which matters is the refind_linux.conf file, which refind would have dropped in the root of the /boot partition.
this is where the linux loaders are defined for display as options during boot. Why? Well, refind is automatically scanning and looking for your linux kernels. The refind_linux.conf file is where the found options are made available for selection. Refind should have filled out all the details for you.

its well worth spending the time to understand a little about refind, the docs are great and you’ll be able to config this up loke a champ instead of hacking at it like this.

6 – Hack at the naughty sony bootloader
Sony has been really naughty in that they will only boot their known efi, which forcefully sidesteps refind to boot straght into windows. I have a story to tell here because initially, in one of my failed attempts I managed to foil this nonsense without the shananegans which follow… more on that later.

You need to make a copy of the full Microsoft folder in the EFI directory as a backup. Call it something random.

Now rename your refind directory to Microsoft and rename the refind_x64.efi file to bootmgfw.efi. Next time sony is booting they will load this file as per usual without knowing that it’s refind. From there we can boot into whatever we bloody want. Make sure you backup anything you replace first.

7 – Get windows booting
Uncomment the windows 7 entry in the example load scripts in the refind.conf file and point it at the renamed Microsoft folder’s bootmgfw.efi to provide the windows option during boot.
If you got this far, you should now have a dual boot which works. HOORAY!

Earlier I mentioned not having to do any of the random copying over stuff to fool the sony bootloader. Well, I had previously boooted into windows and run bcdedit to change the default {bootmgr} and ponted it at refind. In that scenario it actually booted from there as it shuld. However, when I tried that again the second time round it failed… so meh.

I’m going to do this all again to see if I can master what I think I now know…

My fucking grub is not installing

I also had the GRUB error at the end of the Mint 16 install on my macbook pro.
Try this:
(1) Run live session again from mint CD/USB then
(2) Open a new Terminal, then type:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update
Press Enter
(3) Then type:
sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && (boot-repair &)
Press Enter
(4) Select the recommended fix.
(5) Reboot
(6) Shutdown from ReFind once or twice, although this is probably not necessary…
(7) Boot Mint ;)

from: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=151386

Bash it up


-r: recursive
-v verbose

rm: remove

rm [file1 file2]
rm –R will recursively delete a folder. Notice cap R, which is a naughty deviation from the usual –r flag

CP: copy

cp [source][/source] [destination]


mv [source language=”destination”][/source]


shows a tree representation of a [target]

MKDIR: MAke directory

mkdir [name]

MKDIR: MAke directory

mkdir [name]
mkdir –p [multiple levels deep defined] will create a full directory structure in one go


gzip only does compression, not packing of multiple files and folders into an archive.

tar –czvf [name of compressed file] [target dir]
-c: create|
-z: zip (uses gzip)
-v: verbose
f: name of compressed file follows

tar –xvf [name of compressed file]
-x: extract



You can set permissions for the User, Group and Others
Permissions are either:
r: read names of files in dirs [4]
w: write [2]
x: execute [1]

The drwx—— weirdness above is actually:

[d/-] directory or file
rwx for current user
rwx for current group
rwx for others

CHMOD: change permissions on file system object

chmod [-R] u+w [file]
add w to user on the [file]
-R would do it recusively for all files in dir

chmod g-rw [file]
remove read and write permissions on the file for the current user group

chmod u=rwx,go=r     (notice no spaces)
give the current user rwx and the group and others r only

CHOWN: change owner

root user only
chown [new owner] [file]

CHgrp: change group

current owner only
chgrp [-R] [groupname] [file]
now  file permissions will effect everyone in the [groupname] group